
Session 106 - (1985-1986)Printer Friendly
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S 0254 General Bill, By T.H. Pope, W.E. Applegate, Bryan, Drummond, J.C. Hayes, Land, Leventis, J.C. Lindsay, J.M. Long, I.E. Lourie, A.S. Macaulay, J.A. Martin, McConnell, P.B. McLeod, T.W. Mitchell, E.J. Patterson, Peeler, C.L. Powell, Ravenel, Saleeby, Setzler, R.C. Shealy, N.W. Smith, T.E. Smith, N.A. Theodore and M.B. Williams
Similar (H 2390)
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 2 of Title 28, so as to enact the South Carolina Eminent Domain Procedure Code which provides for provisions of law which establish the procedure for the acquisition of certain real property or property rights in this State through the exercise of the power of eminent domain; to amend Sections 1-11-110, 3-5-50, as amended, 3-5-100, as amended, 3-5-330, as amended, 4-17-20, 5-27-150, 5-31-420, 5-31-430, 5-31-440, 5-31-610, 5-35-10, 6-11-130, 6-23-290, as amended, 13-3-100, 13-11-80, 24-1-230, 28-3-20, 28-3-30, 28-3-140, 31-3-460, 46-19-130, as amended, 48-11-110, 48-15-30, 48-15-5, 48-17-30, 48-17-50, 49-17-1050, 49-19-1060, 49-19-1440, 50-13-1920, 50-19-1320, 51-13-780, 54-3-150, 55-9-80, 55-11-10, 57-3-700, 57-5-370, 57-5-380, 57-21-200, 57-25-190, 57-25-470, 57-25-680, 57-27-70, 58-9-2030, 58-15-410, 58-17-1200, 58-19-30, 58-31-50, 59-19-200, 59-105-40, 59-117-70 and 59-123-90, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to various provisions of law pertaining to the acquisition of property, easements or rights-of-way, power of condemnation, right of eminent domain and compensation for property taken by state and local agencies, authorities and entities and private companies and corporations, so as to conform the provisions of law to the Eminent Domain Procedure Code; and to repeal Sections 28-1-10, 28-1-20, 28-1-30, 28-3-10, 28-3-40, 28-3-50, 28-3-60, 28-3-70, 28-3-80, 28-3-90, 28-3-100, 28-3-110, 28-3-130, 28-5-10, 28-5-20, 28-5-30, 28-5-40, 28-5-50, 28-5-60, 28-5-70, 28-5-80, 28-5-90, 28-5-100, 28-5-110, 28-5-120, 28-5-130, 28-5-140, 28-5-150, 28-5-160, 28-5-170, 28-5-180, 28-5-190, 28-5-200, 28-5-210, 28-5-220, 28-5-230, 28-5-240, 28-5-250, 28-5-260, 28-5-270, 28-5-280, 28-5-290, 28-5-300, 28-5-310, 28-5-320, 28-5-330, 28-5-340, 28-5-350, 28-5-360, 28-5-370, 28-5-380, 28-5-390, 28-7-10, 28-7-20, 28-7-30, 28-7-40, 28-9-10, 28-9-20, 28-9-30, 28-9-40, 28-9-50, 28-9-60, 28-9-70, 28-9-80, 28-9-90, 28-9-100, 28-9-110, 31-3-470, 31-3-480, 31-3-490, 48-15-60, 48-15-70, 48-15-80, 48-17-60, 48-17-70, 48-17-80, 49-1-70, 49-13-10, 49-13-20, 49-13-30, 49-13-40, 49-13-50, 49-13-60, 49-13-70, 49-13-80, 49-19-2670, 55-9-60, 55-9-100, 55-9-110, 55-9-120, 55-9-130, 55-9-140, 55-9-150, 55-9-160, 55-9-170, 55-9-180, 57-5-360, 57-5-390, 57-5-400, 57-5-410, 57-5-420, 57-5-430, 57-5-440, 57-5-450, 57-5-460, 57-5-470, 57-5-480, 57-5-490, 57-5-500, 57-5-510, 57-5-520, 57-5-530, 57-5-560, 57-17-320, 57-17-330, 57-17-340, 57-17-350, 57-17-360, 57-17-370, 57-17-380, 57-17-390, 58-15-1210, 58-15-1220, 58-15-1230, 58-15-1240, 58-15-1250, 58-15-1260, 58-15-1270, 58-15-1280, 58-15-1290, 58-15-1300, 58-15-1310, 58-15-1320, 58-15-1330, 58-15-1340, 58-15-1360, 58-15-1370, 59-19-210, 59-19-220, 59-19-230, and 59-19-240, of the 1976 Code, relating to various provisions of law pertaining to the acquisition of property, easements or rights-of-way, power of condemnation, right of eminent domain, compensation for property taken and other related matters which are inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of the Eminent Domain Procedure Code.
Similar (H 2390)
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 2 of Title 28, so as to enact the South Carolina Eminent Domain Procedure Code which provides for provisions of law which establish the procedure for the acquisition of certain real property or property rights in this State through the exercise of the power of eminent domain; to amend Sections 1-11-110, 3-5-50, as amended, 3-5-100, as amended, 3-5-330, as amended, 4-17-20, 5-27-150, 5-31-420, 5-31-430, 5-31-440, 5-31-610, 5-35-10, 6-11-130, 6-23-290, as amended, 13-3-100, 13-11-80, 24-1-230, 28-3-20, 28-3-30, 28-3-140, 31-3-460, 46-19-130, as amended, 48-11-110, 48-15-30, 48-15-5, 48-17-30, 48-17-50, 49-17-1050, 49-19-1060, 49-19-1440, 50-13-1920, 50-19-1320, 51-13-780, 54-3-150, 55-9-80, 55-11-10, 57-3-700, 57-5-370, 57-5-380, 57-21-200, 57-25-190, 57-25-470, 57-25-680, 57-27-70, 58-9-2030, 58-15-410, 58-17-1200, 58-19-30, 58-31-50, 59-19-200, 59-105-40, 59-117-70 and 59-123-90, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to various provisions of law pertaining to the acquisition of property, easements or rights-of-way, power of condemnation, right of eminent domain and compensation for property taken by state and local agencies, authorities and entities and private companies and corporations, so as to conform the provisions of law to the Eminent Domain Procedure Code; and to repeal Sections 28-1-10, 28-1-20, 28-1-30, 28-3-10, 28-3-40, 28-3-50, 28-3-60, 28-3-70, 28-3-80, 28-3-90, 28-3-100, 28-3-110, 28-3-130, 28-5-10, 28-5-20, 28-5-30, 28-5-40, 28-5-50, 28-5-60, 28-5-70, 28-5-80, 28-5-90, 28-5-100, 28-5-110, 28-5-120, 28-5-130, 28-5-140, 28-5-150, 28-5-160, 28-5-170, 28-5-180, 28-5-190, 28-5-200, 28-5-210, 28-5-220, 28-5-230, 28-5-240, 28-5-250, 28-5-260, 28-5-270, 28-5-280, 28-5-290, 28-5-300, 28-5-310, 28-5-320, 28-5-330, 28-5-340, 28-5-350, 28-5-360, 28-5-370, 28-5-380, 28-5-390, 28-7-10, 28-7-20, 28-7-30, 28-7-40, 28-9-10, 28-9-20, 28-9-30, 28-9-40, 28-9-50, 28-9-60, 28-9-70, 28-9-80, 28-9-90, 28-9-100, 28-9-110, 31-3-470, 31-3-480, 31-3-490, 48-15-60, 48-15-70, 48-15-80, 48-17-60, 48-17-70, 48-17-80, 49-1-70, 49-13-10, 49-13-20, 49-13-30, 49-13-40, 49-13-50, 49-13-60, 49-13-70, 49-13-80, 49-19-2670, 55-9-60, 55-9-100, 55-9-110, 55-9-120, 55-9-130, 55-9-140, 55-9-150, 55-9-160, 55-9-170, 55-9-180, 57-5-360, 57-5-390, 57-5-400, 57-5-410, 57-5-420, 57-5-430, 57-5-440, 57-5-450, 57-5-460, 57-5-470, 57-5-480, 57-5-490, 57-5-500, 57-5-510, 57-5-520, 57-5-530, 57-5-560, 57-17-320, 57-17-330, 57-17-340, 57-17-350, 57-17-360, 57-17-370, 57-17-380, 57-17-390, 58-15-1210, 58-15-1220, 58-15-1230, 58-15-1240, 58-15-1250, 58-15-1260, 58-15-1270, 58-15-1280, 58-15-1290, 58-15-1300, 58-15-1310, 58-15-1320, 58-15-1330, 58-15-1340, 58-15-1360, 58-15-1370, 59-19-210, 59-19-220, 59-19-230, and 59-19-240, of the 1976 Code, relating to various provisions of law pertaining to the acquisition of property, easements or rights-of-way, power of condemnation, right of eminent domain, compensation for property taken and other related matters which are inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of the Eminent Domain Procedure Code.
02/14/85 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-517 |
02/14/85 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-518 |
05/08/85 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary SJ-1981 |
05/09/85 | Senate | Amended SJ-2041 |
05/09/85 | Senate | Recommitted to Committee on Judiciary SJ-2047 |
05/30/85 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary SJ-2383 |
05/30/85 | Senate | Read second time SJ-2404 |
05/30/85 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-2404 |
06/11/85 | Senate | Recommitted to Committee on Judiciary SJ-2939 |
01/16/86 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary SJ-121 |
01/16/86 | Senate | Special order SJ-123 |
01/21/86 | Senate | Debate interrupted SJ-182 |
01/22/86 | Senate | Special order, set for Wednesday January 29th SJ-185 |
01/29/86 | Senate | Amended SJ-314 |
01/29/86 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-375 |
01/30/86 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-410 |
01/30/86 | House | Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-412 |
05/28/86 | House | Recalled from Committee on Judiciary HJ-3445 |
05/29/86 | House | Debate adjourned HJ-3518 |
06/03/86 | House | Objection by Rep. McLellan & Day HJ-3595 |
06/03/86 | House | Debate adjourned HJ-3595 |
06/05/86 | House | Debate adjourned HJ-3790 |