South Carolina Legislature


Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H*3739 (Rat #0329, Act #0317 of 1990) General Bill, By Sheheen, J.J. Bailey, G.A. Brown, R.B. Brown, P.M. Burch, Elliott, J.G. Felder, J.V. Gregory, Harvin, B.H. Harwell, B.L. Hendricks, J.H. Hodges, T.E. Huff, M.F. Jaskwhich, J.W. Johnson, W.P. Keesley, H.H. Keyserling, J.E. Lockemy, T.T. Mappus, J.G. McAbee, W.S. McCain, D.M. McEachin, J.T. McElveen, A.C. McGinnis, R.N. McLellan, E.L. Nettles, J. Rama, Rhoad, T.F. Rogers, R. Smith, J.J. Snow, E.C. Stoddard, J.W. Tucker, C.Y. Waites, J.B. Wilder and D.A. Wright
    A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 10 to Title 4 so as to provide for the levy of a sales and use tax in a county area by setting forth definitions, purposes, and requirements for a referendum, collection, uses, and distribution; to amend Section 12-35-580, relating to a statement and prepayment of estimated sales tax liability, so as to exclude the imposition of the local option sales and use tax from the Section and to provide for an allocation to and reimbursement by the Tax Commission for administrative expenses to implement the tax.-amended title
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03/23/89House Introduced and read first time HJ-1
03/23/89House Referred to Committee on Ways and Means HJ-2
04/20/89House Committee report: Majority favorable with amend., minority unfavorable Ways and Means HJ-21
04/25/89House Special order, set for Wed. 4/26/89 after call of uncontested cal (Under H 3968) HJ-218
04/26/89House Amended HJ-32
04/26/89House Read second time HJ-65
04/27/89House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-36
05/02/89Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-13
05/02/89Senate Referred to Committee on Finance SJ-13
05/03/89Senate Committee report: Favorable Finance SJ-5
05/23/89Senate Special order SJ-75
05/24/89Senate Debate interrupted SJ-68
05/25/89Senate Amended SJ-53
05/25/89Senate Read second time SJ-106
05/25/89Senate Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-106
05/25/89Senate Special order SJ-106
05/29/89Senate Amended SJ-139
05/29/89Senate Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-151
05/30/89House Senate amendment amended HJ-85
05/30/89House Returned to Senate with amendments HJ-94
05/30/89Senate Non-concurrence in House amendment SJ-33
05/30/89House House insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Reps. Gentry, Boan, McCain HJ-130
05/30/89Senate Conference committee appointed Sens. Stilwell, Bryan, Land SJ-29
06/21/89House Free conference powers granted HJ-13
06/21/89House Free conference committee appointed Gentry, Boan & McCain HJ-15
01/10/90Senate Free conference powers granted SJ-11
01/10/90Senate Free conference committee appointed Sens. Stilwell, Bryan, Land SJ-13
01/10/90House Free conference report received HJ-3
01/10/90House Point of order -Rule 5.15-Report not printed in House Journal HJ-14
01/11/90House Free conference report adopted HJ-7
01/11/90Senate Free conference report received SJ-33
01/11/90Senate Free conference report adopted SJ-33
01/11/90Senate Ordered enrolled for ratification SJ-45
01/30/90 Ratified R 329
02/02/90 Signed By Governor
02/02/90 Effective date 02/02/90
02/02/90 Act No. 317
02/13/90 Copies available

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