
Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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H*4015 (Rat #0184, Act #0123 of 1995) General Bill, By Wilkins
Similar (S 0800)
A Bill to amend Section 33-37-260, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to amendments to charters for business development corporations, so as to delete the provision prohibiting the creation of new classes of stock; to amend Section 33-37-410, relating to members, stockholders, and bondholders of the corporations, so as to clarify the authorized investors and investment limits; to amend Section 33-37-450, relating to voting by stockholders and members of the corporation, so as to revise the provisions to make them consistent and compatible with having new classes of stock; to amend Section 33-37-460, as amended, relating to loans to the corporation, so as to revise the provisions for loan limits and investment limits; to amend Section 33-37-630, relating to the election of the board of directors of corporations, so as to clarify the requirements for election; and to amend the 1976 Code by adding Section 33-37-470 so as to authorize the issuance of new classes of stock and Article 9 to Chapter 37, Title 33 so as to provide for application of the Business Corporations Act.
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Similar (S 0800)
A Bill to amend Section 33-37-260, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to amendments to charters for business development corporations, so as to delete the provision prohibiting the creation of new classes of stock; to amend Section 33-37-410, relating to members, stockholders, and bondholders of the corporations, so as to clarify the authorized investors and investment limits; to amend Section 33-37-450, relating to voting by stockholders and members of the corporation, so as to revise the provisions to make them consistent and compatible with having new classes of stock; to amend Section 33-37-460, as amended, relating to loans to the corporation, so as to revise the provisions for loan limits and investment limits; to amend Section 33-37-630, relating to the election of the board of directors of corporations, so as to clarify the requirements for election; and to amend the 1976 Code by adding Section 33-37-470 so as to authorize the issuance of new classes of stock and Article 9 to Chapter 37, Title 33 so as to provide for application of the Business Corporations Act.
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04/12/95 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-20 |
04/12/95 | House | Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-20 |
05/18/95 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-30 |
05/23/95 | House | Amended HJ-142 |
05/23/95 | House | Read second time HJ-142 |
05/24/95 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-5 |
05/24/95 | Senate | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference SJ-19 |
05/30/95 | Senate | Read second time SJ-75 |
05/30/95 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-75 |
06/01/95 | Senate | Read third time and enrolled SJ-17 |
06/06/95 | Ratified R 184 | |
06/07/95 | Signed By Governor | |
06/07/95 | Effective date 07/01/95 | |
08/11/95 | Copies available | |
08/11/95 | Act No. 123 |