South Carolina Legislature


Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H*4036 (Rat #0579, Act #0447 of 1994) General Bill, By Wilkins, Bailey, J.J. Bailey, G.A. Brown, H. Brown, Cato, H.H. Clyborne, Fair, Gamble, H.M. Hallman, P.B. Harris, J. Hines, M.F. Jaskwhich, Jennings, Keegan, C.V. Marchbanks, J.G. Mattos, J.G. McAbee, Phillips, Quinn, Richardson, Sharpe, R. Smith, C.H. Stone, Trotter, Vaughn, Walker, C.C. Wells, J.B. Wilder and S.S. Wofford
    A Bill to amend Title 59, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to education, by adding Chapter 50 so as to provide for the Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities, effective July 1, 1995, to establish a study committee to determine the desirability and feasibility of providing funding, location, and access for a year-round Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities, and provide for the membership, duties, and termination of the Committee.-amended title
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04/14/93House Introduced and read first time HJ-37
04/14/93House Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works HJ-37
04/21/93House Committee report: Favorable Education and Public Works HJ-16
04/29/93House Debate adjourned until Thursday, May 6, 1993 HJ-24
05/06/93House Debate adjourned until Tuesday, May 11, 1993 HJ-18
05/11/93House Debate adjourned until Wednesday, May 12, 1993 HJ-14
05/12/93House Objection by Rep. R. Young, Gonzales, Keyserling, H. Brown, Hallman, HJ-13
05/12/93House Objection by Rep. Fulmer, Scott, Harrell, Inabinett, J. Bailey, HJ-13
05/12/93House Objection by Rep. Kirsh & Wofford HJ-13
05/12/93House Objection withdrawn by Rep. R. Young, Gonzales, H. Brown, Fulmer, Scott, Harrell, HJ-25
05/12/93House Objection withdrawn by Rep. J. Bailey & Wofford HJ-25
05/12/93House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Inabinett HJ-26
05/12/93House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Hallman HJ-68
05/26/93House Objection by Rep. Sheheen, Hodges, Rogers, Moody-Lawrence, McTeer, HJ-27
05/26/93House Objection by Rep. Kennedy & Holt HJ-27
05/26/93House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Moody-Lawrence HJ-80
05/26/93House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Kennedy HJ-81
02/09/94House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Holt HJ-86
02/09/94House Objection by Rep. Davenport HJ-86
04/06/94House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Davenport HJ-18
04/27/94House Special order, set for after consideration of H 5058 (Under H 5170) HJ-103
04/28/94House Amended HJ-327
04/28/94House Read second time HJ-332
04/28/94House Roll call Yeas-112 HJ-332
04/28/94House Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day HJ-333
04/29/94House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-2
05/03/94Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-10
05/03/94Senate Referred to Committee on Education SJ-10
05/05/94Senate Committee report: Favorable with amendment Education SJ-10
05/11/94Senate Read second time SJ-98
05/11/94Senate Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-98
05/12/94Senate Amended SJ-29
05/12/94Senate Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-32
05/16/94House Non-concurrence in Senate amendment HJ-3
05/18/94Senate Senate insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Sens. V. Smith, Matthews, Hayes SJ-6
05/19/94House Conference committee appointed J. Harris, Jaskwhich & Phillips HJ-6
05/24/94House Conference report received and adopted HJ-12
05/24/94Senate Conference report received and adopted SJ-7
05/25/94House Ordered enrolled for ratification HJ-4
06/02/94 Ratified R 579
06/15/94 Signed By Governor
06/15/94 Act No. 447
06/15/94 See act for exception to or explanation of effective date
06/28/94 Copies available

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