Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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H*4520 Concurrent Resolution, By J.T. McElveen, Alexander, J.J. Bailey, R.A. Barber, Boan, A.W. Byrd, T.L. Farr, J.G. Felder, J.L. Harris, Harvin, J.H. Hodges, W.S. Houck, Jennings, Kennedy, H.H. Keyserling, C.V. Marchbanks, D.E. Martin, J.G. Mattos, D.E. McTeer, Phillips, T.F. Rogers, J.J. Snow, C.Y. Waites, L.S. Whipper and Wilkes
A Concurrent Resolution to establish a committee to study issues relating to middle, junior high, and high school students who likely will not attend college or will drop out of school, including considerations pertaining to apprentice programs, mentorship programs, community service and business approaches, the tech-prep program, post-secondary options programs, and incentives for graduating from high school.
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A Concurrent Resolution to establish a committee to study issues relating to middle, junior high, and high school students who likely will not attend college or will drop out of school, including considerations pertaining to apprentice programs, mentorship programs, community service and business approaches, the tech-prep program, post-secondary options programs, and incentives for graduating from high school.
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03/04/92 | House | Introduced HJ-48 |
03/04/92 | House | Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works HJ-48 |
04/09/92 | House | Recalled from Committee on Education and Public Works HJ-87 |
04/15/92 | House | Adopted, sent to Senate HJ-44 |
04/16/92 | Senate | Introduced SJ-12 |
04/16/92 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Education SJ-15 |
04/22/92 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable Education SJ-9 |
04/29/92 | Senate | Amended and adopted SJ-346 |
04/29/92 | Senate | Returned to House with amendments SJ-347 |
05/05/92 | House | Concurred in amendment HJ-43 |