South Carolina Legislature


Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H*2085 (Rat #0291, Act #0202 of 1987) General Bill, By J.I. Rogers, D.M. Beasley, J.D. Bradley, J. Brown, R.B. Brown, J.H. Burriss, Davenport, F.L. Day, J.L. Harris, Hayes, H.H. Keyserling, T.A. Limehouse, F.E. McBride, J.T. McElveen, A.C. McGinnis, Neilson, E.L. Nettles, T.F. Rogers, Russell, Sharpe, S.V. Shelton, C.C. Wells, J.B. Wilder and D.E. Winstead
    A Bill to amend Sections 12-21-2590, 12-21-2600, and 12-21-2620, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating respectively to bingo license fees, admissions taxes, and the disposition of the revenue therefrom, so as to increase the fees and applicable admission taxes for Class A and B Licenses and to establish a Class AA license at a fee of four thousand dollars for operators of bingo games with prizes in excess of thirty thousand dollars a session and to provide for an admissions tax of eight dollars a bingo player a session for admission to bingo games conducted by the holders of AA licenses, to provide that fifty percent of bingo license and admissions tax revenues must be deposited in the General Fund of the State, thirty-seven and one-half percent to the credit of a separate Parks and Recreation Development Fund and twelve and one-half percent to the credit of the South Carolina Commission on Aging, to provide for the distribution of the revenues credited to the South Carolina Commission on Aging and for the operation of the Parks and Recreation Fund, to amend the 1976 Code by adding Chapter 23 to Title 51 so as to provide for a noncompetitive program of grants for local parks and recreation development, provide definitions, and establish a distribution formula, to amend the 1976 Code by adding Section 52-17-70 so as to require any person licensed to conduct the game of bingo to file monthly reports with the Secretary of State, to prohibit the licensing of management companies and provide penalties for violations, to require bingo game profits to be used for the charitable, religious, or fraternal purposes of the sponsoring organization, to require all AA, A, and B class licensees to submit an annual financial statement to the Tax Commission, to prohibit any person convicted of an offense under Title 16 of the 1976 Code from having a financial interest in, being employed by, or in any way participating in any bingo game, and to provide a special distribution formula for bingo license fee and admissions tax revenues for fiscal year 1987-88 only.-amended title
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12/31/86House Prefiled
12/31/86House Referred to Committee on Judiciary
01/13/87House Introduced and read first time HJ-56
01/13/87House Referred to Committee on Ways and Means HJ-56
02/18/87House Committee report: Favorable with amendment Ways and Means HJ-573
02/24/87House Objection by Rep. Blackwell, McEachin & JW McLeod HJ-693
02/24/87House Objection withdrawn by Rep. JW McLeod HJ-701
02/25/87House Objection by Rep. Foster HJ-730
03/04/87House Objection withdrawn by Rep. McEachin HJ-842
03/04/87House Objection by Rep. Kirsh HJ-842
03/11/87House Special order, set for 3/11/87 after unanimous consent period (Under H 2644) HJ-971
03/11/87House Amended HJ-975
03/11/87House Debate interrupted HJ-978
03/12/87House Amended HJ-1012
03/12/87House Read second time HJ-1015
03/25/87House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-1442
03/26/87Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-1056
03/26/87Senate Referred to Committee on Finance SJ-1056
04/22/87Senate Recalled from Committee on Finance SJ-1438
04/22/87Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-1438
05/27/87Senate Committee report: Majority favorable with amend., minority unfavorable Judiciary SJ-2372
06/02/87Senate Read second time SJ-2529
06/02/87Senate Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-2529
06/03/87Senate Amended SJ-2605
06/03/87Senate Read third time SJ-2611
06/03/87Senate Returned SJ-2611
06/03/87House Non-concurrence in Senate amendment HJ-3640
06/04/87Senate Senate insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Sens. Lourie, Saleeby and Thomas SJ-2765
06/04/87House Conference committee appointed JI Rogers, McTeer & McEachin HJ-3688
06/25/87House Free conference powers granted
06/25/87House Free conference committee appointed JI Rogers, McTeer & McEachin
06/25/87House Free conference report received
06/25/87House Free conference report adopted
06/25/87Senate Free conference powers granted SJ-2943
06/25/87Senate Free conference committee appointed Sens. Lourie, Thomas and Saleeby SJ-2943
06/25/87Senate Free conference report received SJ-2943
06/25/87Senate Free conference report adopted SJ-2943
06/25/87House Ordered enrolled for ratification
06/25/87 Ratified R 291
06/30/87 Signed By Governor
07/23/87 Effective date 06/30/87
07/23/87 Act No. 202
07/23/87 See Act for exceptions to effective date
07/23/87 Copies available

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