
Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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H*3446 (Rat #0533, Act #0460 of 1996) General Bill, By Sharpe
Similar (S 0460)
A Bill to amend Title 47, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to animals, livestock, and poultry, by adding Chapter 20 so as to enact provisions to regulate confined swine feeding operations, including provisions for, among other things, fees, punishment for violations of this Chapter, and the promulgation of regulations; to amend Section 46-45-30, as amended, relating to nuisance suits related to agricultural operations, so as to provide that no established agricultural facility or any agricultural operation at an established agricultural facility is or may become a nuisance, private or public, by any changed conditions in or about the locality of the facility or operation, and to delete certain language; to require the Department of Health and Environmental Control to promulgate regulations regarding confined swine feeding operations, which additional regulations are separate and distinct from the regulations promulgated pursuant to Chapter 20, Title 47; and to provide that when these "separate and distinct" or "additional" regulations are approved by the General Assembly, or take effect without action of the General Assembly, various provisions contained in this Act and certain regulations are repealed.-amended title
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Similar (S 0460)
A Bill to amend Title 47, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to animals, livestock, and poultry, by adding Chapter 20 so as to enact provisions to regulate confined swine feeding operations, including provisions for, among other things, fees, punishment for violations of this Chapter, and the promulgation of regulations; to amend Section 46-45-30, as amended, relating to nuisance suits related to agricultural operations, so as to provide that no established agricultural facility or any agricultural operation at an established agricultural facility is or may become a nuisance, private or public, by any changed conditions in or about the locality of the facility or operation, and to delete certain language; to require the Department of Health and Environmental Control to promulgate regulations regarding confined swine feeding operations, which additional regulations are separate and distinct from the regulations promulgated pursuant to Chapter 20, Title 47; and to provide that when these "separate and distinct" or "additional" regulations are approved by the General Assembly, or take effect without action of the General Assembly, various provisions contained in this Act and certain regulations are repealed.-amended title
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02/01/95 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-10 |
02/01/95 | House | Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs HJ-10 |
03/22/95 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs HJ-3 |
03/28/95 | House | Debate adjourned until Wednesday, March 29, 1995 HJ-35 |
03/29/95 | House | Objection by Rep. Scott, Neal, Canty, Rogers, Howard, Lloyd, Shissias, McMahand & Anderson HJ-23 |
04/26/95 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Anderson HJ-116 |
04/26/95 | House | Objection by Rep. Elliott, R. Smith, Huff, Meacham, Harwell, Askins & Wilder HJ-116 |
05/03/95 | House | Amended HJ-92 |
05/03/95 | House | Read second time HJ-150 |
05/03/95 | House | Roll call Yeas-59 Nays-36 HJ-150 |
05/04/95 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-31 |
05/05/95 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-5 |
05/05/95 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources SJ-5 |
05/24/95 | Senate | Recalled from Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources SJ-49 |
01/10/96 | Senate | Retaining place on calendar recommitted to Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources SJ-44 |
03/06/96 | Senate | Committee report: Majority favorable with amend., minority unfavorable Agriculture and Natural Resources SJ-20 |
05/15/96 | Senate | Amended SJ-65 |
05/15/96 | Senate | Read second time SJ-65 |
05/15/96 | Senate | Unanimous consent for second reading on next legislative day SJ-66 |
05/16/96 | Senate | Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-34 |
05/23/96 | House | Continued HJ-57 |
05/23/96 | House | Roll call Yeas-58 Nays-38 HJ-59 |
05/23/96 | House | Motion noted-reconsider the vote whereby continued |
05/28/96 | House | Reconsider vote whereby continued (Vote: Ayes 61 Nays 41) HJ-46 |
05/28/96 | House | Debate adjourned on Senate amendments until Wednesday, May 29, 1996 HJ-50 |
05/29/96 | House | Senate amendment amended HJ-101 |
05/29/96 | House | Returned to Senate with amendments HJ-101 |
05/29/96 | House | Reconsider vote whereby Senate amendment amended & returned to Senate with amendments HJ-179 |
05/29/96 | House | Debate adjourned on Senate amendments until Thursday, May 30, 1996 HJ-179 |
05/30/96 | House | Debate adjourned on amendments HJ-22 |
05/30/96 | House | Senate amendment amended HJ-115 |
05/30/96 | House | Returned to Senate with amendments HJ-115 |
05/30/96 | Senate | Non-concurrence in House amendment SJ-83 |
06/12/96 | House | House insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Reps. Reps. Meacham, Trotter & Riser HJ-1 |
06/12/96 | Senate | Conference committee appointed Sens. Martin, Lander, Leventis SJ-12 |
06/12/96 | House | Free conference powers granted HJ-49 |
06/12/96 | House | Free conference committee appointed Reps. Meacham, Trotter & Riser HJ-49 |
06/12/96 | House | Free conference report received and adopted HJ-51 |
06/13/96 | Senate | Free conference powers granted SJ-21 |
06/13/96 | Senate | Free conference committee appointed Sens. Lander, Leventis, Martin SJ-21 |
06/13/96 | Senate | Free conference report received and adopted SJ-21 |
06/13/96 | Senate | Ordered enrolled for ratification SJ-21 |
06/26/96 | Ratified R 533 | |
07/03/96 | Signed By Governor | |
07/01/96 | Effective date 07/01/96 | |
07/16/96 | Copies available | |
07/16/96 | Act No. 460 |