South Carolina Legislature


Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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H*4337 (Rat #0638, Act #0502 of 1992) General Bill, By Kirsh
    A Bill to amend Section 9-11-140, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the Accidental Death Benefit Program under the South Carolina Police Officers' Retirement System, so as to increase by ten percent the monthly allowance of a beneficiary under the Program who was receiving benefits under the Program on July 1, 1991, and to make the increase effective July 1, 1992.
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02/04/92House Introduced and read first time HJ-15
02/04/92House Referred to Committee on Ways and Means HJ-15
03/05/92House Committee report: Favorable Ways and Means HJ-4
03/24/92House Read second time HJ-26
03/25/92House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-24
03/26/92Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-15
03/26/92Senate Referred to Committee on Finance SJ-15
04/16/92Senate Committee report: Favorable with amendment Finance SJ-21
04/21/92Senate Amended SJ-19
04/21/92Senate Read second time SJ-20
04/22/92Senate Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-12
04/28/92House Senate amendment amended HJ-140
04/28/92House Returned to Senate with amendments HJ-140
04/30/92Senate Non-concurrence in House amendment SJ-15
05/05/92House House insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Reps. Kirsh, Quinn & Clyborne HJ-2
05/07/92Senate Conference committee appointed Sens Patterson, Giese, Land SJ-6
06/03/92Senate Conference report received and adopted SJ-31
06/03/92House Conference report received and adopted HJ-78
06/04/92Senate Ordered enrolled for ratification SJ-83
06/04/92 Ratified R 638
07/01/92 Signed By Governor
07/01/92 Effective date 07/01/92
07/01/92 Act No. 502
07/14/92 Copies available

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