
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H*4591 (Rat #0441, Act #0388 of 1994) General Bill, By Young-Brickell, Allison, Bailey, Cato, Davenport, Fair, Gamble, Haskins, Klauber, Koon, Meacham, Riser, Robinson, Sharpe, C.L. Sturkie, P.H. Thomas, Vaughn, Witherspoon and S.S. Wofford
A Bill to amend Act 582 of 1990, relating to, among other things, the application of aboveground storage provisions regarding petroleum products, so as to provide that, for the purposes of certain provisions of law, the term "service station" does not include any utility storage tank facilities which service utility operations, including vehicles, locomotives, or equipment.
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A Bill to amend Act 582 of 1990, relating to, among other things, the application of aboveground storage provisions regarding petroleum products, so as to provide that, for the purposes of certain provisions of law, the term "service station" does not include any utility storage tank facilities which service utility operations, including vehicles, locomotives, or equipment.
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01/25/94 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-11 |
01/25/94 | House | Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-12 |
02/23/94 | House | Committee report: Favorable Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-9 |
03/24/94 | House | Read second time HJ-34 |
03/24/94 | House | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day HJ-35 |
03/25/94 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-7 |
03/29/94 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-12 |
03/29/94 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry SJ-12 |
04/14/94 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable Labor, Commerce and Industry SJ-24 |
04/20/94 | Senate | Read second time SJ-18 |
04/26/94 | Senate | Read third time and enrolled SJ-45 |
05/04/94 | Ratified R 441 | |
05/10/94 | Signed By Governor | |
05/10/94 | Effective date 05/10/94 | |
05/23/94 | Act No. 388 | |
05/23/94 | Copies available |