South Carolina Legislature


Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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H*4692 Concurrent Resolution, By Inabinett, Anderson, R.A. Barber, D.W. Beatty, J. Brown, A.W. Byrd, Canty, Cato, Cobb-Hunter, L.L. Elliott, D.N. Holt, M.F. Jaskwhich, K.G. Kempe, Kennedy, Lanford, Littlejohn, S.G. Manly, D.E. Martin, McCraw, M. McLeod, Phillips, T.F. Rogers, Scott, J.R. Shirley, J.J. Snow, C.L. Sturkie, Townsend, Vaughn and L.S. Whipper
    A Concurrent Resolution designating the first Thursday in May (May 7, 1992) as "Legislative Family Day 1992" in recognition and appreciation of the patience and understanding shown by the families of the members of the General Assembly and the wonderful support given by these great families to the members as they carry out their legislative duties, and inviting a family member of each member of the General Assembly to the State House as special guests of the General Assembly to attend and observe the respective sessions in the Senate and the House of Representatives on "Legislative Family Day 1992".
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04/08/92House Introduced, adopted, sent to Senate HJ-2
04/08/92Senate Introduced SJ-23
04/08/92Senate Referred to Committee on Invitations SJ-23
04/23/92Senate Committee report: Favorable Invitations SJ-24
04/29/92Senate Adopted, returned to House with concurrence SJ-345

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