
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H 4941 General Bill, By Robinson, Allison, R.S. Corning, Govan, Harrell, Haskins, T.E. Huff, M.F. Jaskwhich, Law, Littlejohn, C.V. Marchbanks, J.G. Mattos, Moody-Lawrence, Riser, Sharpe, Simrill, C.H. Stone, C.L. Sturkie, C.C. Wells, J.B. Wilder, S.S. Wofford and D.A. Wright
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 20-7-1644 so as to provide that licensed foster family care providers are not liable for losses resulting from acts made in good faith within the scope of their obligations as foster parents; by adding Section 43-1-90 so as to require the Department of Social Services to develop an internal review system for cases in which a child known to the Department has died; by adding Section 62-2-805 so as to provide circumstances under which a parent may not inherit from a deceased child; to amend Section 15-78-60, as amended, relating to governmental immunity from the Tort Claims Act, so as to provide immunity for losses resulting from acts or omissions within the scope of duty of those persons performing child protective or child welfare related functions; to amend Section 15-78-170, relating to actions or claims for death of a person and the division of recovery so as to provide that anyone precluded from inheriting from the estate of a deceased child may not act as personal representative nor benefit from any proceeding based on injury to or death of the child; and to amend Section 62-3-203, as amended, relating to persons not qualified to serve as a personal representative so as to include parents precluded from inheriting from the estate of their deceased child in the legal custody of the State.
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A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 20-7-1644 so as to provide that licensed foster family care providers are not liable for losses resulting from acts made in good faith within the scope of their obligations as foster parents; by adding Section 43-1-90 so as to require the Department of Social Services to develop an internal review system for cases in which a child known to the Department has died; by adding Section 62-2-805 so as to provide circumstances under which a parent may not inherit from a deceased child; to amend Section 15-78-60, as amended, relating to governmental immunity from the Tort Claims Act, so as to provide immunity for losses resulting from acts or omissions within the scope of duty of those persons performing child protective or child welfare related functions; to amend Section 15-78-170, relating to actions or claims for death of a person and the division of recovery so as to provide that anyone precluded from inheriting from the estate of a deceased child may not act as personal representative nor benefit from any proceeding based on injury to or death of the child; and to amend Section 62-3-203, as amended, relating to persons not qualified to serve as a personal representative so as to include parents precluded from inheriting from the estate of their deceased child in the legal custody of the State.
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03/17/94 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-9 |
03/17/94 | House | Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-10 |
04/21/94 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary HJ-5 |
05/05/94 | House | Amended HJ-51 |
05/05/94 | House | Read second time HJ-52 |
05/05/94 | House | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day HJ-52 |
05/06/94 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-2 |
05/09/94 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-5 |
05/09/94 | Senate | Referred to Committee on General SJ-5 |
05/26/94 | Senate | Recalled from Committee on General SJ-116 |
06/01/94 | Senate | Amended SJ-119 |
06/01/94 | Senate | Read second time SJ-119 |
06/01/94 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-119 |
06/02/94 | Senate | Amended SJ-93 |
06/02/94 | Senate | Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-99 |