907 matches found.

All Sessions - (1975-2026)
Searching for 'courage%' in LEGISLATION
Searching for 'courage%' in LEGISLATION
Documents 491 - 500 of 907 matches
Summary: Defense appropriations
... armed forces now serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines, National Guard, and reserves have shown great courage and self-sacrifice and deserve to be equipped with the best weapons and resources to ... |
Summary: Mrs. Leler Virginia Scarborough George
... farm business that continued for more than fifty years, even after Mr. George's unfortunate and untimely death in 1945. In 1948, with exceptional courage, unending strength, and a family committed to success, Mrs. George was one of the first ... |
Summary: Great Falls High School Varsity Boys Basketball Team
... to win the title game took great poise, concentration, a patient offense, and a full-court pressing defense; and Whereas, one example of the courageous play of the Red Devils is that of James Culp. He hurt his ankle in the second half but ... |
Summary: Spartanburg County, Nolen Ryan Hutchings Memorial Highway
... women who are representative of the best among us who are willing and able to answer the call; and Whereas, Private Hutchings exemplifies the courage and sacrifice of generations of young Americans who have served their country so ably and ... |
Summary: James Edward Allen, Jr.
... Officer of the Year for 2004; and Whereas, the award recognizes the outstanding performance of a police officer, honoring the memory of the courage and dedication of the late Officer Joe McGarry who was killed in the line of duty December ... |
Summary: Glen Taylor Sanders
... demonstrated her commitment to her family, her community, and her God throughout her lifetime. Her life is both an inspiration and an example of courage to all who knew and loved her, and she will be greatly missed. Now, therefore, Be it ... |
Summary: World War II Veterans Recognition Day
... war of all time and the most defining event of the Twentieth Century began; and Whereas, Americans, devoted to liberty and to this country courageously answered the nation's call to arms summarized by President Franklin D. Roosevelt by the ... |
Summary: World War II Veterans Recognition Day
... war of all time and the most defining event of the Twentieth Century began; and Whereas, Americans, devoted to liberty and to this country courageously answered the nation's call to arms summarized by President Franklin D. Roosevelt by the ... |
Summary: World War II Veterans Recognition Day
... war of all time and the most defining event of the Twentieth Century began; and Whereas, Americans, devoted to liberty and to this country courageously answered the nation's call to arms summarized by President Franklin D. Roosevelt by the ... |
Summary: John F. Baker, Jr.
... of the General Assembly, by this resolution, would like to publicly recognize and honor Private First Class John F. Baker, Jr., this brave and courageous American, for his extraordinary heroism in the defense of our country and her ideals ... |