South Carolina Legislature


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907 matches found.
All Sessions - (1975-2026)
Searching for 'courage%' in LEGISLATION
Documents 411 - 420 of 907 matches
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H*4210
Summary: Ed and Dorothy Fogelman, Resolutions
... Food Bank and they operated their own apple orchard for almost thirty-five years; and Whereas, Ed Fogelman served his country with valor and courage; he entered the United States Navy on June 2, 1929, and served for thirty-one years. By ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H*4243
Summary: Henry Burchell Rickenbaker, Resolutions
... Rickenbaker has served his country with distinction in the military; he served in the Air Corps for three years and was honored for his valor and courage with the Distinguished Flying Cross Air Medal and the Purple Heart; and Whereas, he ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H 4384
Summary: Character education program, School districts, Students, Curriculum, Implementation by trustees, Education Board
... middle, and junior high school students. The program shall be nonsectarian and shall include, but not limited to, the following character traits: courage, patriotism, citizenship, honesty, fairness, respect for others, kindness, cooperation, ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H*4400
Summary: The Honorable Thomas Harrington Pope, Jr.; Resolutions
... DuRant Distinguished Public Service Award from the South Carolina Bar Foundation in 1983; and Whereas, he served his country with honor and courage; during World War II he was a captain in the South Carolina National Guard in a battalion ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H*4463
Summary: Horry County, Transportation Department requests to name Conway Bypass the Veterans Highway
... and Whereas, in honoring all those who have served in the nation's Armed Forces, it is appropriate to pay a special tribute to those whose courage and valor earned for them the Medal of Honor. Now, therefore, Be it resolved by the ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H 4497
Summary: Communities of Character Program established for students, conduct, manners, Curriculum, School Districts
... Program for kindergarten through twelfth grade students. To the extent possible, the program shall incorporate the following character traits: courage, patriotism, citizenship, honesty, fairness, respect for others, kindness, cooperation, ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H 4657
Summary: Character education program, school district trustees to develop, curriculum, students, Education Department
... limited to, the following: respect for others, honesty, self-control, cleanliness, courtesy, good manners, cooperation, citizenship, patriotism, courage, fairness, kindness, self-respect, compassion, tolerance, diligence, generosity, ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H*5053
Summary: Briggs V. Elliott lawsuit leading to integration of public schools, 50th Anniversary; Resolutions
... COURT IN 1954 THAT "SEPARATE BUT EQUAL" IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL IN PUBLIC EDUCATION IN AMERICA. Whereas, half a century ago, a group of courageous, unselfish South Carolinians dedicated themselves toward building a better America; ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H*5059
Summary: Reverend Dr. Willie S. Harrison, Resolutions
... move on. His style is to work quietly in the background never seeking recognition for his many outstanding accomplishments. He is a man with the courage to be unconventional, innovative, and experimental. At personal risk he abandoned ...
Session 113 - (1999-2000) - H*5069
Summary: Naval Armed Guards Day; June 7, 2000; Resolutions, Veterans' and Military Affairs
... the vital shipping and supply lines open during the critical phases of World War II, the war could have been lost; and Whereas, through their courage and commitment to duty, and heroism the members of the Naval Armed Guard upheld the ...

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