
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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S*1279 Concurrent Resolution, By Setzler, Bryan, Cork, Courson, Courtney, Drummond, Elliott, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Hayes, Holland, Jackson, Land, Lander, Leatherman, Leventis, A.S. Macaulay, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, T.W. Mitchell, Moore, O'Dell, Passailaigue, Patterson, Peeler, Rankin, Reese, L.E. Richter, M.T. Rose, Russell, Ryberg, Saleeby, Short, G. Smith, J.V. Smith, H.S. Stilwell, Thomas, Waldrep, Washington, M.B. Williams and Wilson
A Concurrent Resolution commending E. Roy Stone, Jr., of Greenville for his outstanding and dedicated service to the citizens of South Carolina as a member and chairman of the governing board of the Vocational Rehabilitation Department.
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A Concurrent Resolution commending E. Roy Stone, Jr., of Greenville for his outstanding and dedicated service to the citizens of South Carolina as a member and chairman of the governing board of the Vocational Rehabilitation Department.
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03/22/94 | Senate | Introduced, adopted, sent to House SJ-4 |
03/22/94 | House | Introduced, adopted, returned with concurrence HJ-17 |