
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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S*0457 Concurrent Resolution, By T.W. Mitchell, Bryan, Cork, Courson, Courtney, Drummond, Elliott, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Hayes, Holland, Jackson, Land, Lander, Leatherman, Leventis, A.S. Macaulay, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, Moore, O'Dell, Passailaigue, Patterson, Peeler, Rankin, Reese, L.E. Richter, M.T. Rose, Russell, Ryberg, Saleeby, Setzler, Short, G. Smith, J.V. Smith, H.S. Stilwell, Thomas, Waldrep, Washington, M.B. Williams and Wilson
A Concurrent Resolution to commend Major Israel Brooks, Jr., of Columbia upon being named "Distinguished Officer of the Year" by Blacks in Law Enforcement Magazine.
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A Concurrent Resolution to commend Major Israel Brooks, Jr., of Columbia upon being named "Distinguished Officer of the Year" by Blacks in Law Enforcement Magazine.
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02/23/93 | Senate | Introduced, adopted, sent to House SJ-7 |
02/24/93 | House | Introduced, adopted, returned with concurrence HJ-6 |