
Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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S*0884 Resolution, By Thomas, Alexander, Bryan, Cork, Courson, Courtney, Drummond, Elliott, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Hayes, Holland, Jackson, Land, Lander, Leatherman, Leventis, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, Moore, O'Dell, Passailaigue, Patterson, Peeler, Rankin, Reese, L.E. Richter, M.T. Rose, Russell, Ryberg, Saleeby, Setzler, Short, G. Smith, J.V. Smith, H.S. Stilwell, Waldrep, Washington, M.B. Williams and Wilson
A Senate Resolution commending South Carolina Department of Corrections Officer Roosevelt Fields for exceptional service and bravery while performing his duties during the April 17, 1995, disturbance at the Broad River Correctional Institution in Richland County.
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A Senate Resolution commending South Carolina Department of Corrections Officer Roosevelt Fields for exceptional service and bravery while performing his duties during the April 17, 1995, disturbance at the Broad River Correctional Institution in Richland County.
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05/30/95 | Senate | Introduced and adopted SJ-47 |