South Carolina Legislature

Officers of the Senate

President - Thomas C. Alexander [R]
District 1 - Oconee & Pickens Counties
(H) 150 Cleveland Dr., Walhalla 29691
      Bus. (864) 638-2988      Home (864) 638-2153
(C) 213 Gressette Bldg., Columbia 29201
      Bus. (803) 212-6220
Majority Leader - A. Shane Massey [R]
District 25 - Aiken, Edgefield, Lexington, McCormick & Saluda Counties
(H) P.O. Box 551, Edgefield 29824
      Bus. (803) 212-6330      Home (803) 480-0419
(C) 311 Gressette Bldg., Columbia 29201
      Bus. (803) 212-6330
Minority Leader - Brad Hutto [D]
District 40 - Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Colleton & Orangeburg Counties
(H) P.O. Box 1084, Orangeburg 29116-1084
      Bus. (803) 534-5218      Home (803) 536-1808
(C) 513 Gressette Bldg., Columbia 29201
      Bus. (803) 212-6140

**Officers Not Members**

Clerk - Jeffrey S. Gossett
(C) P.O. Box 142, Columbia 29202
      Bus. (803) 212-6200
Assistant Clerk - Kenneth M. Moffitt
(C) P. O. Box 142, Columbia 29202
      Bus. (803) 212-6300
Reading Clerk - John O. Wienges
(H) 102 Wienges Court, St. Matthews 29135
(C) P.O. Box 142, Columbia 29202
      Bus. (803) 212-6200
Chaplain - uThe Rev. Dr. James I. St. John
(C) P.O. Box 142, Columbia 29202
      Bus. (803) 212-6628
Sergeant at Arms - Charles D. "Chuck" Williams, Jr.
(C) P.O. Box 142, Columbia 29202
      Bus. (803) 212-6730

(H) Indicates home address and telephones.
(C) Indicates Columbia address and telephones.
    (address in parenthesis indicates Columbia residence).

President's Office(803)212-6220
President Pro Tempore Emeritus' Office (111 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6455
Clerk's Office (401 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6200
(1st Floor, State House)(803)212-6700
Agriculture & Natural Resources Com. (402 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6230
Banking & Insurance Com. (410 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6240
Bookkeeping (534 Brown Bldg.)(803)212-6550
Corrections & Penology Com. (211 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6420
Education Com. (404 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6250
Ethics Com. (205 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6410
Family and Veterans' Services (303 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6320
Finance Com. (111 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6430
Fish, Game & Forestry Com. (305 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6340
Health Care (Nurse) (511-B Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6175
Interstate Cooperation Com. (213 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6430
Judiciary Com. (101 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6610
Labor, Commerce & Industry Com. (203 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6080
Legislative Bill Room (1st Floor, State House)(803)734-1517
Legislative Council (State House/434 Dennis Bldg.)(803)212-4500
Legislative Oversight Com. (213 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6430
Legislative Services Agency (223 Blatt Bldg.)(803)212-4420
Mail Room (210 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6465
Medical Affairs Com. (213 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6430
Medical Station (3rd Floor, State House)(803)212-6770
Protective Services (Garage Entrance)(803)734-2422
Protective Services (Front Entrance)(803)734-1111
Research (301 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6300
Rules Com. (311 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6330
Security (103 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6911
Senate Desk (2nd Floor, State House)(803)212-6700
Sergeant at Arms' Office (2nd Floor, State House)(803)212-6730
Transportation Com. (313 Gressette Bldg.)(803)212-6400

Legislative Services Agency
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