South Carolina Legislature


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3673 matches found.
All Sessions - (1975-2026)
Searching for 'jack%' in LEGISLATION
Documents 1801 - 1850 of 3673 matches
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5139
Summary: Colleton County, voting precincts
... in Pine Grove precinct); Canady's; Cottageville; Edisto; Green Pond; Hendersonville; Horse Pen; Hudson's Mill; Jacksonboro; Lodge; Maple ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H 5151
Summary: Licensure and regulation on bingo
... C bingo license at no cost. However, the organization may offer a prize in cash or merchandise of no more than one hundred fifty dollars for six jackpot games a session. Class C bingo games may, but are not required to, have a promoter. ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5220
Summary: Chapin High School SAT Team
... Anna Meade, Ashlyn Murphy, Caroline Nelson, Kara Rusaw, Drew Sawyer, Jad Taylor, and Casey Washington. These bright students were led by coaches Jack LeGrand, W. F. Sullivan, and Millie See; and Whereas, the members of the House of ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5231
Summary: Dorman High School Girls Basketball Team
... Lia Procter, Skylr Druhet, Jessica Houston, Nikki Wood, Mary Childs, Meredith Karabinos, Ericka Hammett, Bailey Dewart, Jessica Payden, and Micaela Jackson; and Whereas, with the support of their family, friends, and community, these young ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5309
Summary: Charles Q. Williams
... of these South Carolinians; and Whereas, born in Charleston, South Carolina, on September 17, 1933, Mr. Williams entered the service at Fort Jackson achieving the rank of First Lieutenant (then 2d Lt.), United States Army, 5th Special ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5342
Summary: Hillcrest High School Girls Softball Team
... the 2004 championship team members are: Ciara Glenn, Kellyn Henderson, Kate Pouliot, Rebecca Williams, Ashley Swoap, Sarah Christopher, Carolyn Jackson, Amanda Williams, Jennifer Leithold, Kayla Bennett, Jamie Lancaster, Laura Jeroszko, Megan ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5348
Summary: Greenville High School Boys Varsity Soccer Team
... Bill Johnson along with the support of Principal Ginger M. Stuart; and Whereas, the members of this outstanding 2004 Championship team are: Jack Johnston, Thomas Price, Alex Pangraze, Reeves Knight, Jeff Johnston, Joseph Grunewald, William ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5399
Summary: Joey R. Preston
... experienced along the I-85 corridor; and Whereas, he is married to the former Barbara Bennett of York and they have two sons, Will age nine and Jack age four; and Whereas, the members of the General Assembly, by this resolution, would ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5424
Summary: Dr. Marcia L. Bailey
... five million dollars on twenty-seven acres; and Whereas, Pastor Bailey has received the Doctor of Divinity from St. Thomas Christian College, Jacksonville, Florida; and Whereas, Pastor Bailey's family is second only to God. She is a ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5426
Summary: Dr. Herbert Bailey, Jr.
... Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, in March 1994; and Whereas, Pastor Bailey has received a Doctor of Divinity from St. Thomas Christian College in Jacksonville, Florida; a Master's Degree in the Public Administration Program of Rutgers University, ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*1
Summary: Child restraint requirements
... #0159, Act #0147 of 2005) General Bill, By Ryberg, Hutto, Lourie, Drummond, Land, Moore, Matthews, McGill, O'Dell, Reese, Hayes, Gregory, Jackson, Martin, Rankin, Short, Richardson, Ritchie, Cromer, J.V. Smith, Leatherman, Fair and ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*16
Summary: Include manufacturing Methamphetamine as a violent crime
... and read first time SJ-88 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-88 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant 04/13/05 Senate Committee report: Favorable with ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 17
Summary: What constitutes a prior offense for DUI
... and read first time SJ-89 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-89 02/10/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant 04/12/06 Senate Committee report: Favorable ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*18
Summary: Natural Gas Rate Stabilization Act
... By McConnell, Moore, Elliott, Ritchie, J.V. Smith, Martin, Knotts, O'Dell, Mescher, Grooms, Hutto, Setzler, Rankin, Ford, Matthews, Land, Verdin, Jackson, Bryant, Alexander, Hawkins, Patterson, Reese, Short, Thomas and ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 26
Summary: Teacher Protection Act
... and read first time SJ-94 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-94 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 48
Summary: Definition of weapons
... and read first time SJ-104 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-104 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 71
Summary: Magistrate may impose or suspend community service up to two hundred fifty hours
... and read first time SJ-114 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-114 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Land, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 74
Summary: Failure to stop when signaled by law enforcement officer
... and read first time SJ-115 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-115 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 79
Summary: Criminal Street Gang Prevention Act
... Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-118 02/01/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Ritchie (ch), Gregory, Jackson, Knotts, Williams 04/14/05 Senate Recalled from Committee on Judiciary SJ-42 04/14/05 ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 93
Summary: Redefine and clarify penalties for stalking and harassment
... and read first time SJ-128 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-128 02/01/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 121
Summary: Identity fraud
... and read first time SJ-143 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-143 02/10/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 129
Summary: Governing documents of homeowners association to be filed with the Secretary of State
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 143
Summary: Person who serves as constable for at least ten years meets qualifications for sheriff
... and read first time SJ-151 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-151 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 163
Summary: Unlawful to engage in cyberstalking
... and read first time SJ-159 01/11/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-159 02/01/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*193
Summary: The Honorable Thomas Delano Broadwater, Sr.
... sons, Thomas Delano Broadwater, Jr., and Douglas Preston Broadwater were born; and Whereas, Mr. Broadwater met and befriended the late Maynard Jackson, formerly Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, and sold World Book encyclopedias with him along ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*212
Summary: Unlawful to take a wild turkey from a watercraft
... Bill, By McGill, Grooms, Ford, McConnell, Land, Leatherman, Moore, Reese, Drummond, Elliott, Peeler, O'Dell, Fair, Malloy, Leventis, Verdin, Jackson, Short, Patterson, Richardson, Gregory, Courson, Hayes, Ryberg, Anderson, Setzler, ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 225
Summary: Law Enforcement Agencies Consolidation Study Committee
... and read first time SJ-21 01/12/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-21 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 231
Summary: Technical changes to Habitual Traffic Offender penalties
... and read first time SJ-22 01/12/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-22 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 265
Summary: Criminal Street Gang Prevention Act
... 01/13/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-25 02/01/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Ritchie (ch), Gregory, Jackson, Knotts, Williams S. 265 A ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 280
Summary: Order of cases for general sessions dockets determined by Chief Administrative Judge
... and read first time SJ-10 01/18/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-10 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 309
Summary: Law enforcement agencies must collect and maintain certain data on race
... and read first time SJ-5 01/20/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-5 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 310
Summary: Statewide curfew for minors
... and read first time SJ-5 01/20/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-5 02/04/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*347
Summary: Unlawful to vandalize campaign signs
S*0347(Rat #0139, Act #0116 of 2005) General Bill, By Lourie, Jackson, Mescher, Ford, Knotts, Cleary, Scott, Short, Patterson, Land, Cromer, Elliott, Ryberg, Grooms and Gregory AN ACT TO AMEND THE CODE OF ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*356
Summary: Dr. Ronald L. Epps
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*381
Summary: Debra Drew Hammond
... Land, Alexander, Anderson, Bryant, Campsen, Cleary, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Leatherman, Leventis, Lourie, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McGill, Mescher, Moore, ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*384
Summary: Individuals under 18 may not purchase tobacco products
S*0384(Rat #0224, Act #0231 of 2006) General Bill, By Lourie, Thomas, Reese, Bryant, Knotts, Sheheen, Hutto, McGill, Jackson, Ford, Scott, Malloy, Land, Gregory, Drummond, Pinckney, Cromer, Short, Matthews, ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*388
Summary: Sharon Gunter Wilkinson
... McConnell, Alexander, Anderson, Bryant, Campsen, Cleary, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Lourie, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 392
Summary: Classification of third or subsequent property crime convictions
... and read first time SJ-15 02/02/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-15 02/10/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*395
Summary: Irish Heritage Month
... South Carolinians of Irish descent have a long and distinguished record of public service to the United States, including President Andrew Jackson, United States Senator John C. Calhoun, and James F. Byrnes, a Supreme Court Justice and ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 411
Summary: Sessions of the General Assembly
S 0411 Joint Resolution, By Jackson, Malloy, Leventis, Campsen, Ryberg, Sheheen, Land, Lourie, Bryant, O'Dell, Pinckney, Drummond, Short, Hutto, Williams, Rankin, Alexander, Gregory and Courson Similar(H ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 412
Summary: Adjournment of the General Assembly
S 0412 General Bill, By Jackson, Pinckney, Reese, Drummond, Bryant, Rankin, Ryberg, Malloy, Courson, Hutto, Lourie, Williams, Short, Patterson, Sheheen, Scott, O'Dell, Leventis, Land, Cromer, Hayes and ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 419
Summary: Criminal sexual conduct with minors age of victim increased
... and read first time SJ-11 02/08/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-11 02/10/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 421
Summary: Ellen's law
... and read first time SJ-11 02/08/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-11 02/10/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*422
Summary: Uniform Trust Code
... (Conn. 1993) (interpreting Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act); 2 Norman Singer, Statutory Construction Section 52.05 (6th ed. 2000); Jack Davies, Legislative Law and Process in a Nutshell Section 55-4 (2d ed. 1986). South ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 492
Summary: Statewide First Responder Building Mapping Information System created by SLED
... and read first time SJ-6 02/15/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-6 02/17/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*496
Summary: Bishop Edward Smith Day
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 500
Summary: Physical education and nutritional standards established in school
S 0500 General Bill, By Jackson, Leatherman, Anderson, Drummond, Williams, Malloy, Patterson, Ford, Knotts, Short, Mescher, Elliott, Verdin, Leventis, Ritchie, Matthews, Hutto, Richardson, Peeler, Gregory, ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 501
Summary: Financial Literacy Act of 2005
S 0501 General Bill, By Patterson, Jackson, Richardson, Matthews, Leventis, Lourie, Reese, Land, Cromer and Short Similar(H 3020) A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY DESIGNATING ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S 503
Summary: Admissibility of out-of-court statement made by child
... and read first time SJ-3 02/17/05 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-3 02/25/05 Senate Referred to Subcommittee: Hutto (ch), Jackson, Knotts, Bryant S. ...
Session 116 - (2005-2006) - S*588
Summary: Uniform Securities Act of 2005
... stated that the South Carolina decisions perceive no distinction between the state and federal definitions of a "security." Faircloth v. Jackie Fine Arts, Inc., 682 F. Supp. 837 (D.S.C. 1988). South Carolina follows the federal ...

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