Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H*3137 (Rat #0125, Act #0065 of 1993) General Bill, By B.O. Baker, M.O. Alexander, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Askins, Bailey, J.J. Bailey, J.M. Baxley, D.W. Beatty, Boan, Breeland, H. Brown, J. Brown, A.W. Byrd, Canty, Cato, C.D. Chamblee, H.H. Clyborne, Cobb-Hunter, Cooper, R.S. Corning, J.L.M. Cromer, Davenport, Delleney, L.L. Elliott, Fair, T.L. Farr, J.G. Felder, R.C. Fulmer, Gamble, S.E. Gonzales, Govan, L.O. Graham, H.M. Hallman, Harrell, J.P. Harrelson, Harrison, Harvin, B.H. Harwell, Haskins, J. Hines, D.N. Holt, T.E. Huff, Hutson, Inabinett, M.F. Jaskwhich, Jennings, Keegan, Kelley, Kennedy, M.H. Kinon, Kirsh, Klauber, Koon, Lanford, Littlejohn, C.V. Marchbanks, L.M. Martin, J.G. Mattos, J.G. McAbee, McCraw, J.T. McElveen, McKay, McMahand, D.E. McTeer, Meacham, Moody-Lawrence, J.H. Neal, Neilson, Phillips, Quinn, Rhoad, Richardson, Robinson, T.F. Rogers, I.K. Rudnick, Scott, Sharpe, J.S. Shissias, Simrill, R. Smith, D. Smith, J.J. Snow, Spearman, E.C. Stoddard, C.H. Stone, P.H. Thomas, Townsend, Trotter, J.W. Tucker, Vaughn, C.Y. Waites, D.C. Waldrop, Walker, C.C. Wells, L.S. Whipper, J.M. White, Wilder, J.B. Wilder, D. Williams, Witherspoon, S.S. Wofford, H.G. Worley, D.A. Wright, Young-Brickell and R.M. Young
Similar (S 0214)
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 40-37-103, so as to provide requirements for diagnostic and therapeutic certification of an optometrist; by adding Section 40-37-106 so as to prohibit an optometrist from establishing a pharmacy in an optometry office and to provide that a certified optometrist may administer or supply pharmaceutical agents to patients to initiate treatment; by adding Section 40-37-108 so as to provide that a therapeutically certified optometrist must be held to the standard of care of physicians and shall maintain one million dollars in malpractice insurance; to amend Section 40-37-20, relating to the authority and duties of the South Carolina Board of Examiners in Optometry, so as to include examining applicants for diagnostic and therapeutic certification; to amend Section 40-37-105, relating to the use of topical application of pharmaceutical agents by optometrists, so as to provide for the diagnostic and the therapeutic use of these agents and to provide restrictions; to amend Section 40-37-107, relating to referrals of patients by optometrists to physicians, so as to include referrals to other optometrists under certain conditions, to provide standards for treating Glaucoma, and to prohibit surgery; to add Section 40-37-109 so as to define "supply" concerning pharmaceutical agents; to amend Section 40-37-140, relating to license renewal and continuing education, so as to require twenty hours of education a year with certain pharmacological requirements for certified optometrists; to amend Section 40-43-150, as amended, relating to who may prescribe drugs and to the sale of drugs at wholesale, so as to include therapeutically certified optometrists among those who may prescribe and to allow the sale of drugs at wholesale to diagnostically and therapeutically certified optometrists; to amend Section 40-43-155, as amended, relating to pharmacists selling pharmaceutical agents to optometrists, so as to provide that they may be sold to optometrists who are diagnostically and therapeutically certified optometrists for certain purposes; and to amend Section 40-43-360, as amended, relating to definitions in the Pharmacy Act, so as to include a therapeutically certified optometrist as a "practitioner" for the purpose of defining who may prescribe drugs.-amended title
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Similar (S 0214)
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 40-37-103, so as to provide requirements for diagnostic and therapeutic certification of an optometrist; by adding Section 40-37-106 so as to prohibit an optometrist from establishing a pharmacy in an optometry office and to provide that a certified optometrist may administer or supply pharmaceutical agents to patients to initiate treatment; by adding Section 40-37-108 so as to provide that a therapeutically certified optometrist must be held to the standard of care of physicians and shall maintain one million dollars in malpractice insurance; to amend Section 40-37-20, relating to the authority and duties of the South Carolina Board of Examiners in Optometry, so as to include examining applicants for diagnostic and therapeutic certification; to amend Section 40-37-105, relating to the use of topical application of pharmaceutical agents by optometrists, so as to provide for the diagnostic and the therapeutic use of these agents and to provide restrictions; to amend Section 40-37-107, relating to referrals of patients by optometrists to physicians, so as to include referrals to other optometrists under certain conditions, to provide standards for treating Glaucoma, and to prohibit surgery; to add Section 40-37-109 so as to define "supply" concerning pharmaceutical agents; to amend Section 40-37-140, relating to license renewal and continuing education, so as to require twenty hours of education a year with certain pharmacological requirements for certified optometrists; to amend Section 40-43-150, as amended, relating to who may prescribe drugs and to the sale of drugs at wholesale, so as to include therapeutically certified optometrists among those who may prescribe and to allow the sale of drugs at wholesale to diagnostically and therapeutically certified optometrists; to amend Section 40-43-155, as amended, relating to pharmacists selling pharmaceutical agents to optometrists, so as to provide that they may be sold to optometrists who are diagnostically and therapeutically certified optometrists for certain purposes; and to amend Section 40-43-360, as amended, relating to definitions in the Pharmacy Act, so as to include a therapeutically certified optometrist as a "practitioner" for the purpose of defining who may prescribe drugs.-amended title
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01/14/93 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-13 |
01/14/93 | House | Referred to Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-14 |
02/03/93 | House | Committee report: Majority favorable with amend., minority unfavorable Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-2 |
02/10/93 | House | Amended HJ-41 |
02/10/93 | House | Read second time HJ-50 |
02/10/93 | House | Roll call Yeas-109 HJ-50 |
02/11/93 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-21 |
02/16/93 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-3 |
02/16/93 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Medical Affairs SJ-4 |
04/07/93 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical Affairs SJ-27 |
04/20/93 | Senate | Amended SJ-38 |
04/20/93 | Senate | Read second time SJ-39 |
04/20/93 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-39 |
04/22/93 | Senate | Special order SJ-29 |
04/28/93 | Senate | Debate interrupted SJ-42 |
04/29/93 | Senate | Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-42 |
05/05/93 | House | Senate amendment amended HJ-39 |
05/05/93 | House | Returned to Senate with amendments HJ-39 |
05/05/93 | Senate | Concurred in House amendment and enrolled SJ-7 |
05/11/93 | Ratified R 125 | |
05/14/93 | Signed By Governor | |
05/14/93 | Effective date 05/14/93 | |
05/26/93 | Act No. 65 | |
05/26/93 | Copies available |