907 matches found.

All Sessions - (1975-2026)
Searching for 'courage%' in LEGISLATION
Searching for 'courage%' in LEGISLATION
Documents 321 - 330 of 907 matches
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to recognize the outstanding athletic career and years of community service
... the outstanding athletic career and years of community service performed by George Banks of Pacolet and extend to him sincere best wihses in his courageous battle with a crippling illness. 08/14/79 House Introduced and adopted HJ-3570 ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to express the sympathy of the General Assembly to the family and friends o
... Resolution to express the sympathy of the General Assembly to the family and friends of thirteen year old Doug Turno of Aiken and to recall his courageous fight against cancer. 01/12/82 House Introduced and adopted HJ-83 01/12/82 ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to extend the heartfelt thanks to Presidential Medal of Honor Winner Andrew
... Resolution to extend the heartfelt thanks to Presidential Medal of Honor Winner Andrew J. Collins of Georgetown for his exemplary life and courageous determination in overcoming a recent logging accident and wish for him a speedy recovery. ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to commend Bobby Watkins, a Mental Health Department Case Investigator, for
... By T.D. Broadwater A Concurrent Resolution to commend Bobby Watkins, a Mental Health Department Case Investigator, for his integrity, courage, and persistence in the face of harassment and threatened dismissal for exposing wrongdoing ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to commend Thomas Miller, ninth grade student at Bishop England High School
... Resolution to commend Thomas Miller, ninth grade student at Bishop England High School in Charleston, and Bruce Singleton of Charleston for their courage in rescuing Vonna Orr from drowning in the Cooper River. 06/11/85 Senate Introduced ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution sending best wishes for a speedy recovery to Corporal Robert Rolack of the
... speedy recovery to Corporal Robert Rolack of the Summerville Police Department following an injury in the line of duty and commending him for his courage and dedication. 02/12/85 House Introduced and adopted HJ-644 02/12/85 House ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to commemorate the thirty-first anniversary of the historic landmark decisi
... Harry Briggs, Jr., from Clarendon County, an appellant in one of the five companion cases dealing with state public schools, for his effort and courage to bring an end the iniquitous separate but equal doctrine. 05/22/85 House ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to commend President Ronald Reagan for his courageous and decisive action t
... T.A. Limehouse, Martin, J.G. Mattos, Phillips, Russell and D.E. Winstead A Concurrent Resolution to commend President Ronald Reagan for his courageous and decisive action to preempt and discourage the Libyan terrorism sponsored by its ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to express the deepest sympathy of the members of the General Assembly to t
... to express the deepest sympathy of the members of the General Assembly to the family of Matt Locke of Honea Path upon his death after a courageous fight against cancer. 06/02/87 House Introduced and adopted HJ-3412 06/02/87 House ... |
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to commend Cayce Police Department Lieutenant Ron Byrd for his courageous r
... Concurrent Resolution, By J.R. Klapman and J.T. Petty A Concurrent Resolution to commend Cayce Police Department Lieutenant Ron Byrd for his courageous rescue of three children from their burning home. 04/12/88 House Introduced and ... |