South Carolina Legislature


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903 matches found.
All Sessions - (1975-2026)
Searching for 'courage%' in LEGISLATION
Documents 341 - 350 of 903 matches
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S*1184
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to express the appreciation of the General Assembly to Commissioner Michael
... public health system and the protection of our state's environment; and Whereas, as a state agency head, he has faced difficult decisions with courage and demonstrated unwavering commitment and dedication to duty; and Whereas, through ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S*1590
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution recognizing and saluting the heroism of Chance C. Melton, Jr., of Cherokee
... thousand were either forced or blown overboard, leaving only seven hundred four men still aboard the Franklin; and Whereas, due to the highly courageous and heroic efforts of Chance Melton and other crew members of the USS Pittsburgh and ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S*1595
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution commending June B. Licata of Columbia for her many years of outstanding ser
... Leadership in State Service; she was the South Carolina recipient of the 1991 National Victory Award for Exemplifying Exceptional Strength and Courage in the Face of Adversity; and was selected for the 1992 Who's Who Worldwide Platinum Award ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H 3118
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution memorializing Congress to propose an amendment to the United State Constitu
... stood boldly against foreign invasion, symbolized the stand of a young and brave nation against the mighty world power of that day, and, in its courageous resilience, inspired our national anthem; and Whereas, in the Second World War the ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*3202
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to commend Colonel Logan Weston for his distinguished military service and
... major periods of war: World War II, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam War; and Whereas, Colonel Weston served with great distinction and courage with Merrill's Marauders in World War II, the 25th Infantry Division in Korea, and with the ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*3371
Title Portion: A House Resolution by the Richland Delegation expressing the hope that Representative James H. Harr
... selflessly performing his duty in the service of our country; and Whereas, we know that he is constantly in danger but that he is serving with courage and gallantry and without concern for himself; and Whereas, we miss him greatly and ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*3428
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution urging the United States Department of Justice to deny prisoner of war stat
... shown their gratitude to those valiant men and women of our armed services who have died while protecting our freedom; and Whereas, the courage, the endurance of adversities, and physical and mental torturing by enemy captors, and the ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*3502
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to express the pride of the General Assembly and the people of South Caroli
... this outstanding American and South Carolina family and express to them on behalf of all South Carolinians their pride and gratitude for the courage, character, and patriotism of all the members of the Bethea family and especially those who ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*3780
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution recognizing and thanking Mr. Lawrence B. (Larry) Miller of Anderson County
... into the workings of the "real world"; and Whereas, after more than thirty years of employment with General Electric, he had the courage to go out on his own in the tool and dye business for seven years; and Whereas, ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*3986
Title Portion: A House Resolution to recognize and commend Corporal Benjamin Murray, Chief of Security for the Bla
... off duty; and Whereas, he recently demonstrated this by using his skills and experience as a veteran law enforcement officer, and with great courage and intrepidity he intervened in a life-threatening situation to save the life of another; ...

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