
Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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H*4571 (Rat #0644, Act #0507 of 1992) General Bill, By Wilkins, Alexander, M.O. Alexander, J.J. Bailey, R.A. Barber, D.M. Beasley, L.E. Bennett, Boan, H. Brown, J. Brown, Cato, H.H. Clyborne, Cooper, R.S. Corning, Fair, T.L. Farr, R.C. Fulmer, L.E. Gentry, J.L. Harris, P.B. Harris, Harrison, B.H. Harwell, Haskins, J.H. Hodges, T.E. Huff, M.F. Jaskwhich, Jennings, Koon, Lanford, Martin, D.E. Martin, L.M. Martin, A.C. McGinnis, Phillips, Quinn, Riser, Scott, Sharpe, J.S. Shissias, R. Smith, C.L. Sturkie, J.W. Tucker, Vaughn, D.C. Waldrop, C.C. Wells, J.B. Williams, S.S. Wofford, D.A. Wright and Young-Brickell
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 1-23-115 so as to provide that on request an agency must prepare an assessment report on regulations having a substantial economic impact and to provide contents of reports; to amend Section 1-23-10 relating to definitions in the Administrative Procedures Act, so as to include "division" and "substantial economic impact"; to amend Section 1-23-110, as amended, relating to procedures for promulgating regulations so as to clarify these procedures and include notice and submission of assessment reports; to amend Section 1-23-120, as amended, relating to procedures for General Assembly review of regulations so as to include assessment reports, if prepared, with regulations submitted to the General Assembly; to amend Section 1-23-130, relating to emergency regulations so as to require assessment reports on these regulations under certain conditions; to provide for the prospective application of this Act.-amended title
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A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 1-23-115 so as to provide that on request an agency must prepare an assessment report on regulations having a substantial economic impact and to provide contents of reports; to amend Section 1-23-10 relating to definitions in the Administrative Procedures Act, so as to include "division" and "substantial economic impact"; to amend Section 1-23-110, as amended, relating to procedures for promulgating regulations so as to clarify these procedures and include notice and submission of assessment reports; to amend Section 1-23-120, as amended, relating to procedures for General Assembly review of regulations so as to include assessment reports, if prepared, with regulations submitted to the General Assembly; to amend Section 1-23-130, relating to emergency regulations so as to require assessment reports on these regulations under certain conditions; to provide for the prospective application of this Act.-amended title
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03/18/92 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-18 |
03/18/92 | House | Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-19 |
03/25/92 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary HJ-4 |
04/01/92 | House | Debate adjourned until Thursday, April 2, 1992 HJ-3 |
04/02/92 | House | Debate adjourned until Tuesday, April 7, 1992 HJ-25 |
04/07/92 | House | Objection by Rep. Cromer HJ-34 |
04/07/92 | House | Debate adjourned until Wednesday, April 8, 1992 HJ-34 |
04/08/92 | House | Debate adjourned until Wednesday, April 22, 1992 HJ-16 |
04/22/92 | House | Objection by Rep. Baxley HJ-13 |
04/22/92 | House | Objection by Rep. Whipper, Cobb-Hunter, White, Vaughn, Clyborne, HJ-28 |
04/22/92 | House | Objection by Rep. Baker, Cato, Haskins, Kempe & D. Elliott HJ-28 |
04/23/92 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Whipper & Cobb-Hunter HJ-27 |
04/28/92 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Baxley, Cato, Clyborne, D. Elliott, Haskins & Vaughn HJ-135 |
04/29/92 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Baker & White HJ-322 |
05/06/92 | House | Amended HJ-65 |
05/06/92 | House | Read second time HJ-76 |
05/07/92 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-63 |
05/12/92 | Senate | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference SJ-12 |
05/20/92 | Senate | Special order SJ-25 |
06/02/92 | Senate | Amended SJ-30 |
06/02/92 | Senate | Read second time SJ-33 |
06/02/92 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-33 |
06/03/92 | Senate | Debate adjourned SJ-105 |
06/03/92 | Senate | Amended SJ-51 |
06/03/92 | Senate | Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-53 |
06/04/92 | House | Concurred in Senate amendment and enrolled HJ-4 |
06/04/92 | Ratified R 644 | |
07/01/92 | Signed By Governor | |
07/01/92 | Effective date 01/01/93 | |
07/01/92 | Act No. 507 | |
07/01/92 | See act for exception to or explanation of effective date | |
07/15/92 | Copies available |